A creed children can use to confess their pagan faith (or lack of faith) and laws to live by, because your monotheist parents will say you have no principles

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As soon as your parents learn you are a polytheist, an atheist or agnostic, or LGBTQ, they will say you have no principles and stand for nothing.  They will say that you  will  become a drunk, drug addicted, sex addicted, thieving, murdering, raping, pedophile who will be having sex with animals by the time you are 40.  First of all, this is what monotheists do behind closed doors, they  are  accusing you of what they do.  Second, this exposes your monotheistic parents' innate evil nature as this is how they  know they would be behaving if they were not leashed in by their strict and terrorizing god, your monotheist parents are natural beasts who need to be kept in line with a spiritual whip and bars. As a non-monotheist you do not share this nature with your parents.

Your parents are so evil, they purposely  kept you ignorant of other religions and thought systems so that it would be hard for you to come to your own understanding of spirituality.  Then when you feel something is wrong, you don't know what it is and have no other reference to explain your feelings and you have not built up your own ideology to defend.  When  you  try to escape monotheism your parents will ask you what you stand for, knowing full well they never let you learn any other principles than the ones they taught you, so it is hard to articulate your position. If you can't explain your beliefs your parents will say you have no beliefs and just hate god and are evil. 

So what do pagan, athiest, and LGBTQ children stand for?  What set of principles unites you?  What laws do you follow?  What are you promoting in the world?   Have you heard of natural law?  Natural Law is laws that humans follow without needing  to be told by a god.  If all humans murdered and stole from eachother human society would die out and the human race would all but go extict.  If humans had not figured out to outlaw murder and theft before monotheism then there would not have been any polytheist civilization for monotheists to steal ideas from or to conquer.  Pagan nations had laws against murder and theft before monotheism and they did not necessarily say they came from the gods. The fact that humans were existing and could read and write and do trade is because they  realized that if they allowed murder and theft they would cease to exist mostly. Natural Law are laws that humans arrive at naturally, on their own, without needing a non-human source. 

Here are seven principles which any child could arrive at without any need of having to refer to a god, priciples that humans arrive at naturally, and if they don't arrive at these principles there would be no meaningful human existance and so those tribes not practicing these principles would go extinct:

  1. No monotheism or bitheism, if you believe in the gods they must be many  (at least 3) but athiesm, agnosticism,  and  nontheism are permitted and are not ethically  inferior to polythiesm. 
  2. No anti-blasphemy campaigns or laws 
  3. No regulation of adult human concentual sex but maintain a postive  birth rate  (at least double your numbers every generation)
  4. No murder
  5. No theft
  6. No animal cruelty or unnessary environmental destruction
  7. Set up courts of justice to enforce these laws 
These principles regulate the child's relationship with god, speach, sexuality, beliefs on public safety, environmental and animal protection, and good government. These are principles you can live by and stand up for and they explain your creed and what you find immoral. I will come back to these laws later.  

Your parents will ask you why you believe in multiple gods (or none).  They do not believe you could have come to these beliefs naturally,  you were either seduced by an outsider or were able to come to this conclusion because you are demon possessed. They will never understand your spontaneous belief in the gods, your innate sense.  They will never accept it is original, it was planted in you by evil forces and you are to blame for your own possession because you are naturally spiritually weak. They will laugh at and spit on your spirituality and claim you don't actually believe in multiple gods (or none), you just hate god's ways and want to kill people and engage in hedonism.  They will say you are looking to live a life with no morals or ethics. You do have morals and ethics, as a pagan they are naturally in you, and don't let your parents negate your true and genuine relationship with the gods and your personal journey to understanding them. Your parents know very well they would not have even known their monotheist god if no one had told them about it, they  are the ones who needed to be initiated into a cult through indoctrination, they are the onese who were corrupted, they are the ones  who could not have come to god on their own.  Humans were naturally polytheistic for thousands of years before monotheistic revelation, it is the natural state of humans, it is monotheism that is unnaturally induced.

So back to the laws presented above.  This legal system is called Secular Pagansim and as a follower of this system you can call yourself a Secular Pagan. Your monotheist parents are going to ask you (in a nasty deriding way) why you follow these laws.  First lets deal with the logical reasons why:

1. No monotheism or bitheism, only polythiesm or nontheism

Why should monotheism be outlawed?  Monotheism leads to monoculture and uniformity among humans.  We need moral and ethical diversity to survive.  No one knows what will be the best way to  live in the future and so we need different ethical, moral, and behavioral systems to confront the future and only the best will survive.  However, any society which breaks any  of the natural laws of Secular Paganism will not succeed and would be isolated by Secular Pagans and if need be wared upon. Bitheism (two gods) is outlawed because if one is more powerful than the other, that is still one god in charge, and if they are equal to eachother there is potential for neverending battle between them and that leads to social instability, and if they agree then you might as have one god again.  Nontheism is permitted because nontheists can  have varying ethical and moral values and behaviors. Another additional reason to outlaw monotheism is becuase it attacks polytheism, if you are a polytheist you would naturally ban anything that is trying to destroy you.  

2. No anti-blasphemy 

Obviously  blasphemy cannot be outlawed or campaigned against. Gods which promote breaking the laws of Secular Paganism need to be derided and criticized and driven from the public square.  If a god is wrong, meaning it breaks Pagan Natural Law, it needs to be blasphemed.  Even if the god is not breaking any of the laws of Secular Paganism, it can still be blasphemed for backward social customs or for any subjective reason.  Gods, like people, need to be criticized. 

3. No sex regulation but keep a postive birth rate

Monothiests usually try to regulate sex between consenting human adults.  Human adults do not like being sexually  regulated and if they are sexually  regulated, they will rebel and harsh and draconian  measures would be needed to control their sexuality again. This starts a cycle of rebellion and supression that is never ending and destabilizes society.  There must be no regulation of adult human to human consentual sex.  However, often times a nonregulation of human sex leads to a decline in birth rates. Any society that does not procreate will go extict, and so Secular Pagans must make a vow to maintain a group positive birth rate, at least doubling our numbers every generation. 

4. No murder

Any society that does not ban murder will collapse and not exist 

5. No theft 

Any society that does not ban theft will collapse and not exist 

6. No animal cruelty/environmental destruction 

Humans have natural empathy, for eachother and for animals.  Even animals express interspecies empathy, a dog can display visible signs of disturbance if a cat is hurt or in danger.  It is natural for humans to be disturbed by animal cruelty and so we ban it. As for the environment, if we destroy it all we will die with it, so we must maintain some level of ecological fitness.  Keeping land pristine for wild animals to use also goes along with not abusing animals. 

7. Set up courts of justice 

If these laws are not enforced by courts, then they are inert and cannot effect society. If citizens are not punished for breaking these laws then lawlessness will grow and society will collapse.   

As you can see, any child could naturally come to these ideas on their own, without any need to appeal to a god, it is just natural to believe this.   

Your parents will say that you have no authority to believe in these rules because they did not come from a god.  According to monotheists there is only one way to come to ethics and that is through monotheistic revelation. If this is true then ask your parents why pagan societies before monotheism banned murder and theft. [They may tell you that pagan anti-murder/anti-theft laws were derived from a previous worldwide monotheistic culture from Noah, but there is no evidence we were all monotheists with a unifed theology in the ancient past].  Your parents are wannabe murders and thieves and were unable to come to the conclusion that murder and theft are wrong on their own, they needed to be terrorized into believing it, they needed to be indoctrinated, and they know that without their terrorist god looking over them they would do horrible things.  Pagans are not like this, you are naturally ethical because you can reason, your parents are not. 

The last question to ask is what are the punishments for breaking the laws of Secular Paganism, since they are to be enforced by a court?  First of all, punishments cannot be meted out until a court is established, and that means state control, so that is something you will have to work for.  However, as for the punishments, they need to be stringent enough to deter the population from engaging in them.  If people are not following the law you know your punishments are too lenient.  However, any set up court system has the right to enact the death penalty for not following the law if it chooses.  The potential death penalty shows the severity of these crimes and how undeniably destructive they are to society.  You are young now, but if you push for a Secular Pagan society now, you may live to be able to execute your parents. 


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  3. No one's principles can be be taken seriously unless they are a moral authority.

    "You are young now, but if you push for a Secular Pagan society now, you may live to be able to execute your parents."

    How likely are you to be a moral authority if you wish to kill your parents?


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