Are your religious parents making you feel guilty for believing in science? That is mental abuse and you should not tolerate it

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Do your parents mock or deride you because you believe that the earth is round, or that space is a real place and not a painted ceiling above us, or that the planet is more than 6,000 years old? Do your parents force you to proclaim that you believe in Noah's flood and the Ark, or any other wild mystical stories from the Bible, Talmud, Quran, or Vedas? Are you forced to read material that makes no sense logically and when you question them you are punished or intimidated?  Are you made to feel intellectually or spiritually inferior for believing in things like viruses or vaccines? Are you being told psychiatry is sorcery? If you are being made to feel ashamed for believing in established facts and science then you are being abused and this needs to stop. 

Religious parents often hold absurd and dangerous ideas about the world around them, things that have been proven to be wrong.  Let's say that your parents told you you were not allowed to say that the sky is blue and instead needed to say it was red.  The sky is not red, and it would be cruel to force children to deny their eyes and affirm that the sky is red.  It is just as abusive to make children feel they are engaging in evil just because they hold a commonly known fact. To harass children because they know the world is round is stupid and cruel and no intelligent human being should have to go through that. 

Parents don't have the right to make you doubt your senses and sound science. They also don't have the right to abuse you with irrational doctrines, especially when it is malignant such as ideas that you are demonically possessed or are being controlled by aliens. Your parents may tell you that lizard people rule the world, this is insane and is not good for your mental or emotional health. Do your parents get irate when you simply cannot understand esoteric obscure doctrines based in mysticism?  You shouldn't be forced to learn mysticism if you find it disconcerting to your logical mind, forcing children to learn incoherent ideas is wrong; most people would not force children to read the ranting of schizophrenics but when you are reading religious texts, this is exactly what you are doing.  It is poison and unhealthy and you should not have to tolerate it. 

Atheist children who only believe in science have the right to avoid anti-science religious indoctrination.  If something is a known scientific fact, your parents should not have the right to make you feel you are doing something wrong for believing it. To make your child feel unworthy of god's love because they believe in the laws of physics is abuse.  Your parents are insane and you need to get out of their home before they do something really crazy. 


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