Are your religious parents withholding medication from you? You're being abused and it needs to stop!

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Are you being raised in an anti-medical cult?  Are you an Eddy's Christian Scientist? Involved in a Carol Balizet Cult? Inside a derivative of Herbert Armstrong's Worldwide Church of God?  Do your parents refuse to give you antibiotics when you are deliriously ill and refuse to ever take you to the doctor, no matter how infected you are? Do you have permanent damage from lack of medical care? And even if you are not, you should still care and be supportive of these children.  

This project is for all children suffering from religious abuse at home, but starting out on the most extreme cases can help you gain conviction that parents don't have freedom of religion over their children, and when they do, it can even be deadly.  Thousands of children have died in anti-medical cults where children were left to die excruciating deaths from preventable diseases and even things as simple as broken bones. 

Did you know that today in the United States, if you are part of an officially recognized religion that denies medicine and you leave your child to die from medical neglect that in many states this is legal and you will not be prosecuted?  This is murder, but this is the full terminal end of "freedom of religion" when applied to raising your own children.  The monotheists are so fanatical about keeping their children in abusive households that they even allow members of these religions to murder their own children. 

Christian Scientist children are also barred from learning biology or health in school, this is to keep them ignorant of their bodies so they cannot detect or understand signs of disease (in Christian Science you basically have to be aware of your stomach in order for you to get stomach cancer... absurd!).  Just as there should be no exceptions for medical neglect of children, there should be no exceptions for biology classes for children, every child has the right to understand how their body works. Your monotheist parents helped make this anti-intellectualism established because they want the right to deny you any learning they want themselves... if some children need to be medically ignorant for them to keep their rights to force you into their religions, they will approve it. 

If you are a child seeking to escape a religiously abusive home, you should use medical neglect cults as an example of how when parents have full control in matters of spirituality, things can go really wrong for children.  Medical neglect cults show the extreme face of your own abuse, and these tragedies can be used to reason with other children and adults about why we cannot allow parents to have full control over children and be able to indoctrinate them in anything they like. 

Why should a child have to die for anyone to take notice of child spiritual abuse?  And even then, and even then, children are dying from medical neglect in these cults and it is still legal at the consensus of the monotheists.  This should show you how evil they and your parents really are.  The same people who are driving you toward suicide with their anti-pagan, anti-LGBTQ, anti-atheist, anti-science rhetoric are lobbying to keep child murder legal when it is done for religious purposes.  Children need to be the voice of reason here and prick the minds of adults, to show them that if they side against children's religious rights, they are siding with murderers. 


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