If your religious parents are telling you you are going to hell then they are abusing you

Do your parents ever tell you you are going to hell or won't be saved because you are not following their religion perfectly?  Until recently, most people believed that parents had the right to torment their children with accusations they would burn alive forever unless they believed all the irrational and bigoted hateful stuff they spew.  Girls who do not want to be submissive go to hell, LGBTQs go to hell, atheists go to hell, pagans go to hell, and anyone who is not their specific religion goes to hell. 

Monotheist parents feel they have the right to threaten their children with hell for anything and everything, even the slightest questioning of their nonsense makes them erupt in anger and begin screaming you are going to Hades. Just because you are gay, a headstrong girl, pagan, or atheist does not give your parents the right to say you will burn forever.  This is very manipulative, this is your parent's last resort to frighten you into submission to their evil god after the beatings have stopped working. 

Your parents have no right to spiritually terrorize you, they have no right to tell you you are evil or are going to be punished by god for not believing like them.  To do so is abuse and you do not have to tolerate it.  The problem is that right now, most adults would not remove a child from a household for this, but that needs to change.  If you are being told you are going to hell then you need to speak about this with your school officials and you need to make it clear it is hurting you mentally and emotionally. 

Try to find someone at school or another older person who understands and will stand by you.  Once you have adults on your side you may go with them to confront your parents.  This will be very scary as your parents, when the other adults leave, will likely punish you, even violently.  You are going to have to deal with things getting worse instead of better for a while.  After you are punished and further spiritually abused, bring this forth to school officials and make it clear you can no longer stay at home.  Report your parents and have interventions until they either stop abusing you or abuse you to the point that even calloused school officials see you need to be removed. You must resist and fight until they either give in and stop, or cross the line. You can do this. 


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