Are your monotheistic parents sabotaging your school success? Is it getting worse because you are a polytheist, an atheist, or LGBTQ?

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Many monotheist parents don't want their children going to college or being too educated.  They know that if you learn too much you might leave monotheism. Too much science will make you wonder if the earth is really 6,000 years old, or how could both freshwater fish and saltwater fish survive in the brackish sea created by Noah's flood, or is it really possible Jesus walked on water, or did a man really live in the stomach of a whale. Monotheist parents don't want you asking these kinds of questions and too much education may open your mind. You might also learn new philosophies and religions which could lead you astray. 

So how do monotheist parents sabotage your education?  First they will inculcate in you that secular education is not important.  They will not encourage you to get good grades and will not praise you if you do get high marks.  However they may do worse than this, they may purposely keep you away from secular studies by keeping you busy with religious reading and house chores. They may tell you religion comes first, school comes second.  They will tell you you only should put in enough work to pass your classes, but getting all A's is not necessary. If you show any desire to focus on school so you can get into college you will be denounced as worldly and wanting material success over serving god. 

Your parents may try to homeschool you where they can give you substandard education, especially in math and science and foreign religion. If they don't homeschool you they may try to keep you out of certain classes or have you excused from certain subjects, like biology, learning about evolution, and health class. They will likely discourage any extra classes or after school activities to reduce your social and intellectual growth, upward mobility, and confidence. 

They will refuse to pay for college and threaten to disown or disinherit you if you go to college, or will tell you you can only study at a Bible college. They may make you leave the house at 18, without any education or job skills, so that you must work so hard in dead end jobs that you don't have time for an education or the money to pay for it. Some monotheistic parents set up their children for a life of low paying jobs with no advancement because they don't want you becoming too rich and powerful as this may go to your head; you also should be focusing on god and not worldly things like financial success. 

However, it may get worse if you are a polytheist, atheist, or LGBTQ.  Maybe your monotheist parents are not against higher education, they are just against it for you.  They may tell your brothers and sisters that they will pay for their college but not yours.  They will also likely plan to support your monotheist brothers and sisters in college but not you, you will likely be thrown out of the house at 18 with nowhere to go. Your parents might blame your school for indoctrinating you into secular values and so they may transfer you to a religious school where you will have little hope of finding teachers who will support you.  They may take away all recreational reading and movies to ensure you have no further influence from non-religious sources. 

Once you come out as polytheist, atheist or agnostic, or LGBTQ your parents will try to destroy your future, and that makes sure you don't have the tools to get you anywhere in life. They want you to fall to the wayside and become destitute so they can laugh at you and say  "I told you so" and claim the only reason you have any problems is because you are not a monotheist. If your parents are trying to destroy your educational career then find ways to fight back, and if that means leaving the house, then here are some tips (here).


  1. It’s unmarried parents who don’t care about the education of their children.


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