Did your monotheistic parents circumcise you (male or female)? This is a barbaric practice and you have every right to feel angry and violated, laws need to be passed to stop this
Every year millions of boys and girls are ritually circumcised to please the sadistic whims of a monotheistic psychopathic god. Circumcision in both boys and girls creates extreme pain that is unbearable and it reduces their ability to enjoy sex later in life.
Here is something you need to know, your parents, if their god demanded it, would cut off any part of your body. The Abrahamic god instructed a father to kill his son to test his loyalty; the father was ready to do it until the god interrupted him and told him it was all a test, but he was prepared to do it. If the monotheistic god demanded human and child sacrifice, your monotheistic parents would do it.
However, there is a further betrayal and that is the fact that male circumcision specifically is made to represent a covenant with the monotheistic god. No infant boy has chosen to be a slave to the Abrahamic deity and so their parents had no right to force this covenant on them by mutilating their genitalia. Muslims and Jews can get circumcised at 18 to join this covenant of their own free will.
We do not know the long-lasting psychological effects of putting young boys and girls through genital mutilation. These surgeries would keep the child in pain for days if not weeks. They don't know what is going on and they cannot articulate their pain.
Muslim and Jewish parents will simply claim anti-circumcision advocates are Islamophobic and anti-Semitic and that you are only making a point about circumcision because you want to isolate them. Monotheists are so calloused that they cannot see that cutting human organs off is wrong, they don't believe that any person could possibly be genuinely concerned and so anti-circumcision advocates have alterior motives according the Muslims and Jews.
If you have been circumcised there is nothing you can do now. I do not suggest venting your frustration to your monotheistic parents because they will simply say it was their right to do this and that it is good for you. They may try to show you bogus studies funded by Muslims and Jews to prove that male circumcision prevents medical problems. These studies are not scientifically sound and are biased. If you are a circumcised female, there is little medical reason to remove your clitoris and so any suggestion this was medically necessary is absurd.
Circumcision, both male and female, needs to be banned. As a child it is hard to change laws but when you grown up you can push to have circumcision banned. It is a barbaric practice and don't let monotheists tell you you are nothing but a bigot for opposing it.
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