How far should children go to defend their faith as pagans or atheists or LGBTQs before monotheistic oppression?
I started this blog beeause I am a child victim of monotheism (here). I was raised a Jehovah's Witness and was persecuted became I became a young polytheist. Jehovah's Witnesses are masters of persecution because they were mastered by persecution. Jehovah's Witnesses are one of the most banned and unofficially warred upon religions on the planet. But just because you are persecuted does not mean you are good.
Jehovah's Witnesses love to revel in their persecution, they say this shows that they are really truly god's people. They publish the most sensational forms of persecution in their magazines and speak them in their Kingdom Hall talks. Here is one story I remember involving a child convert to the religion and what she went through to become a Jehovah's Witness.
Jehovah's Witnesses are known to go to very remote lawless areas. One such area that Jehovah's Witnesses were spreading in was in Africa, however the people were indeed without rule. From this story it will be obvious that children had little rights. One father who was not a Jehovah's Witness had a very young daughter who somehow professed her faith in Jehovah. When the father found out he forbade his daughter from going to the Kingdom Hall. His daughter defied him and went. When she came home he told her that if she went back he would cut one of her fingers off. The next week the girl went to the Kingdom Hall, and when she returned home, her father cut off her finger. The land was lawless and he was not arrested for this crime. After that, the girl went back to the Kingdom Hall again, and the father cut off another finger. This happened until all the girl's fingers were gone and finally the father removed her ears.
The end of the story was that the father was shocked by the girl's faith and became a Jehovah's Witness. You have a faith in plural deities or no deities or are LGBTQ. Secular Paganism (here) give you something to stand for. The first rule is no monotheism or bitheism, only polytheism or no gods. Let's say your parents demand you do a single act of worship to a monotheistic deity (like bow down to pray), what should you do? First of all you likely do not live in a lawless region, in anywhere on earth practically if your parents cut off your finger you'd be removed from the house, so you will likely not undergo that kind of persecution. But the point is that you should be willing to lose a finger for your faith or lack of.
Tolerate your parents' abuse until it becomes either great enough for authorities to get involved or you become suicidal in which case you must report this to your school or to a hospital and you must be assisted by the state to leave your home hopefully. Stand firm in your beliefs and do not break Pagan Natural Law and find a way to survive. Here are some steps you can take if you are being abused too harshly and need to get out (here).
Why not just wait till you are old enough to leave home before you formally reject the beliefs of your parents? Isn't that preferable to losing a finger or two?