Your monotheistic parents may abuse you for being respectful to animals and the environment

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Many if not most monotheists believe in two things about nature and animals:

  1. God does not reside in nature and animals. 
  2. Their monotheistic god has given humans total dominion over plants and animals and that these are now made to live in terror of humans
This may be a tough subject to understand but most monotheists do not believe that god enters the creation, and so there is no god essence in a tree or an animal. Monotheists teach that it is demonic to thank animals and plants for giving up their lives for humans, they believe you are under no such obligation to do so and engaging in any kind of remorse for animal and environmental death is heathenism.  

According to monotheists, nature is not sacred, like humans, it is also fallen. Monotheists also often try to live lives which they consider to be above nature, outside of nature, because nature is beastly.  Nature can be cruel yes, and we should not emulate the animals, and should instead practice the principles of Secular Paganism (here), but we should have a deep respect for animals and learn positive traits from them when they display them. You will notice that your monotheistic parents hate it when you relate human nature to animal nature, they believe that humans have souls above nature and that we are not just quantitatively different from animals, but qualitatively different from animals.  Animals feel love, empathy, a sense of justice, they yearn and feel mental pain.  They may not feel these things to the extent that humans do, and they may more readily break the natural laws of murder and theft (though this is usually done for survival and not sadistic pleasure), however humans are made up of the same substance as animals and we are no more removed from nature then animals are, we just have an expanded awareness and intelligence that give us greater abilities.  We are capable of more than animals and have greater responsibility, but our natural makeup is no different from theirs.  A human may be so mentally handicapped or psychopathic (like your parents) they have less empathy and knowledge than an animal, and so humans may be quantitatively more similar to animals than other humans.  

Because you do not feel you are separate from the animals and nature you will feel comradery with them, and you will lean toward animal and environmental justice, which your monotheistic parents will hate.  Your first stop may be to be disturbed by monotheistic ritual slaughter of animals.  In Judaism religiously guided animal slaughter is known as kosher slaughter, while in Islam it is known as halal.  Both of these systems of slaughter involve cutting the animal's throat while it is still alive and letting it bleed out while it is awake. Any pagan witnessing kosher or halal slaughter online will obviously see the animals is frightened and in pain and become disturbed, but you will notice your monotheistic parents could care less.  In secular slaughter the animals is usually stunned before being killed or is killed by directly piercing the brain, causing immediate death. Your parents will tell you only kosher/halal slaughter is humane and all other forms of slaughter cause pain, but this is not backed up by science or what you will witness in religious slaughterhouses.  Your parents will make fun of your pain at seeing ritual slaughter and will tell you you are humanizing animals.  Beyond slaughter, you will likely notice you have higher standards for animal welfare than your parents do, what you will see as animal cruelty and pet abuse your parents will see as normal and nothing to cause concern.   

Secular Paganism does not forbid eating animals, but if you choose to become a vegetarian or vegan for spiritual reasons your monotheistic parents may make you suffer.  Monotheists are fond of saying "if you treat animals like humans, you will treat humans like animals"; if you decide not to eat meat your parents will accuse you of caring more about animals than humans and having skewed priorities.  In  many monotheistic societies a plant-based diet is considered New Age paganism and ecological spirituality.  Your parents may say stupid things like since you have no problem killing plants you should have no problem killing animals.  Plants do not have a central nervous system and by all indications they are incapable of feeling pain in the way animals do.  Your parents may say we don't know if plants feel pain, but eating plants is your best bet at avoiding causing pain to living creatures.  We know for a fact that animals feel pain, if we eat plants there is at least a chance we are not causing pain. Your parents will hate you for realizing this and will jeer at you and call you a hypocrite. If you feel as though eating meat hurts you beyond what you can handle then keep your convictions and refuse to eat meat.  Your parents will retaliate against you for this, but stand firm in your convictions and allow them to abuse you.  If the abuse becomes too extreme use steps to exit your house (here).  However, that being said, there is debate as to whether or not a 100% vegan diet is healthy, so educate yourself and monitor your health. 

If you become concerned about excessive environmental destruction your monotheistic parents may also scold you.  It is impossible to live in the modern age and not pollute the environment, but that does not mean we cannot take steps to reduce the amount of pollution we make or find ways to clean the planet.   Many monotheists hate cleaner energy technology, recycling, and environmental protection  laws which they see as satanic and an ungodly conspiracy to make everyone dirt worshippers. They will accuse you of worshiping nature deities (which maybe you are) and being unrealistic about life.  Don't become excessively zealous about environmentalism though, you personally cannot live without polluting and so to chastise other people for living and polluting would be hypocritical.  You can however make the decision to pollute less on your own as a personal lifestyle.  Your monotheistic parents will tell you that your works to help the world are futile and childish and that you are a phony. It is a noble pursuit to try to help the environment, don't let your parents bully you. 

Pagans tend to be more respectful of animals and the environment and for this your monotheistic parents will attack you. Protecting animals and the environment is important and a foundation of a healthy society, but you will notice if your standards for animals and ecological protection are too high, the monotheists will hate you. When your parents start to persecute you for your humane beliefs stand firm.  You should also try to seek out adults and other children at school or in the community who understand where your coming from and can sympathize with you and intervene if your parents become too abusive. 


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